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Fitness and Readiness for Work Following a Work-related Psychological Injury

3:30 PM, Friday 26 Apr 2024 PDT (55 minutes)
Hyatt Regency Vancouver - Regency Ballroom CDEF
Determining timing and readiness to initiate return-to-work (RTW) discussions and/or activities can be tricky. Ideas about RTW hierarchy preferences and expectations for a full recovery may not be worth holding on to. Individual and systematic assumptions of a predictive, deterministic nature of readiness to RTW are not likely useful. In this session, we will discuss RTW decision making, common pitfalls to avoid, examples of popular decision-making tools, and what might be required from health care professionals when asked to comment on fitness and/or readiness to RTW.


Learning objectives

  1. Describe the concept of work readiness situated within the realities of occupational, cultural and community contexts.
  2. Discuss the complex and multifaceted construct of “fitness to work” by focusing on aspects that go beyond the duration models and context-free aspects of recovery and readiness.
  3. Describe the fluctuation of work functioning and associated performance as it relates to work re-entry and sustained employment.
  4. Consider “true” tests of readiness and how we can support the injured person.
Homewood Health
Executive VP of Workplace Mental Health & Clinical Services
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